Look for and Apply to Jobs You’re Qualified For

As we mentioned earlier, you might feel compelled to look for any type of job, even entry levels that you have no training in. More often than not, this’ll be a complete waste of time on your part. Companies will likely get a lot of applicants, so finding the right person for the job is very likely. As such, though you’d spent a lot of time on your application and cover letter, you simply won’t make the cut
You’ll have a much better chance of being called for an interview if you apply for the right company or position. As such, you should make two lists before sending out resumes. First, decide what type of job you’re seeking. After all, there’s a huge difference between bricklaying and data entry!
The second list should consist of companies you’d like to work for. Perhaps they’re near and dear to your heart or they support causes that are important to you. Nevertheless, if items on your lists intersect, that’s where you should apply first, then start fanning out little by little.