Pedal Cars

Pedal cars used to be fairly popular, so it’s not uncommon to assume there’s one tucked deep in your basement or garage. Most people held on to them for nostalgic reasons, with few realizing how much they’re worth. Even if they do, they assume that if they’re not in perfect condition then they’re basically just scrap metal.
However, a 1930 Lincoln pedal car with a little rust on it recently sold for $1,000! Just imagine what yours could net you, especially if it’s in perfect condition.
Vintage Cookbooks
You might think that since cookbooks have gotten their fair share of use in the kitchen and have thus collected a lot of grease and heavens know what else on their pages, they’re not worth anything. Those who have gone out of print are the most valuable, as are those written by celebrity chefs. Julia Child cookbooks are always in demand.
Don’t believe us? A 1961 first edition of Mastering the Art of French Cooking was sold for $2,000!
3 thoughts on “22 Things in Your House Right Now That Could Be Worth a Fortune”
where do i sell those items
I have shoe repair machines that are 100 years old
Are old cook books worth anything?