Arcade Games
Perhaps today’s triple-A games and fancy new high tech consoles don’t interest you so much, but if old arcade games are your thing and you happen to have some laying around then you’re in luck.
Even if your arcade games are no longer working, you could still find an interested buyer. These are generally worth around $100 and $400 dollars. Working ones could net you $600 to $2,500. Some games, obviously, are more popular and sought out than others, thus making them more valuable.
‘Asteroids’, for example, usually goes for around $1,000 but ‘Pong’!? ‘Pong’ costs around $2,000 right now, but its value is said to keep rising.
3 thoughts on “22 Things in Your House Right Now That Could Be Worth a Fortune”
where do i sell those items
I have shoe repair machines that are 100 years old
Are old cook books worth anything?