15 Things to Sell When You’re Ready to Retire


15 Things to Sell When You’re Ready to Retire

Kitchen appliances.
Photo by Andrey_Popov – Shutterstock.com

Kitchen Appliances You Never Use

When was the last time you used your juicer or pressure cooker? If you have small kitchen appliances in your home that you haven’t used in a year or more, you should sell them as you downsize.

That pressure cooker or juicer you’ve hardly ever used? Yep, they can go too. Most of these are sold with the help of very, very alluring commercials. They also claim to make our lives easier but the truth is they’re just taking up space unnecessarily.

Whatever you haven’t touched in a year or more is clearly not necessary. For example, if you got a Stand Mixer but you already have a regular mixer that you use regularly, the Stand Mixer can go- it’s neat to have around, sure, but if it only sees the light of day once a year, there’s no point in holding on to it.

Fine China and Glassware

Ah, the special-occasion glassware, ubiquitous in every senior’s home. These take a lot of space, are difficult to store, and barely ever see any use. If you have more than one set, keep the ones you like the most and get rid of the rest.

Look into Replacements Ltd. They make selling your crystal glassware super convenient. If everything you own is in good condition, it won’t even take that long to rid yourself of your collection.

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5 thoughts on “15 Things to Sell When You’re Ready to Retire”

  1. Sheila Beard Douglas

    I have old record albums from the ’40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Where can I find out their value, and where can I sell them?

    1. Unless they are in VERY good condition, i.e. not played, let alone played to death like I know my albums were, the value is very little. Find an independent record store in your area (bingoole it) and ask them, bring them a list.

  2. Not very impressed with this article. Author seems to think we all move into a 500 square foot apartment. The last thing I will be getting rid of is my musical instruments and favorite old music, my treadmill, my gardening equipment, etc. Why not just write an article titled “how to host an estate sale and sell off everything you own.”

  3. Luanne – I tend to agree with you. This article should read what to sell when you have to move into assisted living….

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