21 Jobs With the Highest Divorce Rates


21 Jobs With the Highest Divorce Rates

Logistician in warehouse.
Photo by ALPA PROD – Shutterstock.com

3. Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics

Automotive service technicians and mechanics have the highest rates of injury and illness, which could explain why their divorce rates are at 17%. They’re also known to come home tired, meaning they don’t have the extra energy to spare on family time.

Even though they tend to work evenings and weekends, the median annual wage is at $39,550. Is that amount of money really worth sacrificing a marriage for?

2. Logisticians

Though those in this industry are paid well, an average of $74,590 annually, they seem to get divorced far more often than we’d expect. A career in logistics means this person takes on a huge amount of stress to ensure that business operations are going smoothly, often unable to separate from that stress when they get home.

Not only that but frequent overtime work could also stop a supply-chain professional to miss out on important family events and holidays, further ruining their chances at a long and happy marriage.

According to the study, the divorce rate of logisticians is 18%.

Finally, you might have to wave goodbye to your marriage, or salute?…..

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5 thoughts on “21 Jobs With the Highest Divorce Rates”

  1. Many people don’t think through the challenges marriage takes, trust, financial, children, relationships, relatives, sexual, etc.

  2. I was surprised that Auto Sales Management and Sales people were not on the list. The hours are rediculous and unpredictable.

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