12. Being Too Thrifty
Setting a budget, spending less money, always looking over your finances- these are all good things. But some people definitely take it too far and force themselves in a lifestyle that simply does not work for them, such as being too thrifty.
If all you do is look for deals and sales, stressing over every dollar that you spend, then that could put you in a dark mental place and it could distract you from other important things in life. You might miss amazing opportunities with your friends and family, for example, out of the fear of spending too much money.
If you find yourself in this situation, then finding a middle ground is key. Figure out how you can keep saving money while also not sacrificing the things you love. It’s a good idea to plan on what exactly you’ll do with the extra money you’ve gained by being thrifty. That way, you can allow yourself to spend it however you see fit!
So, what money issues give you the most amount of stress? Leave a comment down below to let us know!