5. Not Saving
If you find yourself constantly worried about your future, it may be because you’re stressing out about not saving. We get it, saving isn’t easy. Even when you do have the money to set aside, it always feels like a chore and sometimes you’d much rather get the reward now rather than later. For example, most people would prefer to go on a vacation today than plan that vacation for years in the future.
By starting with small savings, you’ll get over this anxiety much faster. On one hand, at least you’re saving. On the other hand, you’re not putting aside huge amounts that will make saving feel like a drag. It’s all about building a stable financial habit, and you can then start regularly increasing the amount while also switching to a high-yield savings account.
Consider looking into the Digit app, which looks at your spending habits and takes extra money from your funds. That money is then transferred to a FDIC-insured account. You can also withdraw the money whenever you want, as there are no penalties for doing so. With an automated process like this, your stress levels could drastically decrease.