14 Real Estate Secrets That Agents Don’t Want You to Find Out!


14 Real Estate Secrets That Agents Don’t Want You to Find Out!

Photo by Andrey_Popov – Shutterstock.com

You Need to Translate Real Estate Listings

Are you ready to look for a new home? Then you better take note of the language used on different listings. If a home has ‘potential’ then you’re better of staying away, because you’ll likely spend a fortune fixing it.

A charming home is eccentric while a cozy home is tiny. Watch out for houses with ‘character’ as they’re typically old. Oh and don’t even get us started on the trees. If they’re “mature” it means they either need pruning or may be close to death.

You May Not Be Warned About Ghosts

If you believe in ghosts and want to stay as far away from them as possible, watch out as sellers or agents may not disclose their presence. In 46 states, they aren’t required by law to let you know if any specters may be living in your new home rent-free.

If you live in or planning on moving to New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, or Minnesota, then sellers do have a responsibility to tell you about ghosts, so watch out for those eerie bumps in the night!

You’ll Want to Count the Rooms Carefully

Watch out for agents or sellers that may advertise more ‘rooms’ that you’re actually getting. In order to count as a room, a space must meet certain parameters. For example, they could list a basement as an extra bedroom, but if the basement doesn’t have large enough windows to meet fire codes, then it’s not a bedroom.

Furthermore, sellers may advertise mother-in-law apartments when, in reality, what you’re looking at is just a shed in the backyard. Use this knowledge to your advantage when you’re visiting a house and don’t be scared to ask about exactly how many bedrooms the property really has.

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