15 Presidents Financial Status Before and After the White House


15 Presidents Financial Status Before and After the White House

Photo by SSV-Studio from Shutterstock

George Washington

What better example to start this discussion than Mr Dollar Bill himself? George Washington earned his money from surveying fees, financial investments, officer salary.

Later in 1789, when he became the head of state, he had a presidential salary, which meant 2% of the federal budget (around $60billion today).

However, George Washington’s main income source came from his farmland of 8,000 acres and from the labor of 300 slaves in Mount Vernon, a domain inherited from his half brother. Washington remained the wealthiest president of the United States for more than a century.

Summary: It is unknown how wealthy he was before, but after being president, he had raised a fortune of $525 million (adjusted for inflation).

Our next President had it all, then lost it all…..

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