15 Presidents Financial Status Before and After the White House


15 Presidents Financial Status Before and After the White House

Photo by Roman Tiraspolsky from Shutterstock

Thomas Jefferson

During Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, the financial focus was more on owning assets than cash. The wealth of an individual was measuring more in territory and number of slaves than in money.

As a teen, Thomas Jefferson inherited his family’s gigantic holdings in Charlottesville, Virginia, which included many plantations, hundreds of slaves and an architectural beauty: the Monticello estate.

Unfortunately, he loved to live a life of luxury. He made massive land acquisitions and bad investments which in time left him in a lot of debt. After his death, his family had to auction all his houses and assets, and live out of charity.

Summary: Before the presidency, Thomas Jefferson’s net worth was $239.7 million, but after it, he was completely broke.

Next, is someone who made a fortune….. off other people…..

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