15 Presidents Financial Status Before and After the White House


15 Presidents Financial Status Before and After the White House

Photo by Bart Sherkow from Shutterstock

Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford didn’t serve the Oval Office for too long, but by the time he became president up until his death, his fortune increased by 400%. He had a modest education and spent the majority of his life in the public service.

He owned properties in Palm Springs, California, Vail, and Colorado. After he finished his presidential service, he made $1 million within a year by attending events and speaking fees. Also, Ford wrote books and spoke for big profits, which helped in growing his income.

Summary: Before being a president, he had a net worth of $1.4 million, which he managed to raise up until $7 million.

The next President was and wasn’t making peanuts at the same time…..

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