16 Surefire Ways to Get Employed Quickly


16 Surefire Ways to Get Employed Quickly

Create a Specific Cover Letter to Help Your Resume Get Noticed

Cover letter.
Photo by Alexandar Iotzov – Shutterstock.com

Hiring managers have to comb through a seemingly endless list of applications. If the first paragraph of your cover letter outlines exactly what you can do for the company, they’re much more likely to pay attention.

You only have a few seconds, words, or even sentences to impress them, so get right down to the point as early on as possible. Without this information, the person looking at your information will probably skim the rest of your resume while trying to answer a very basic question, ‘what can this person o for us?’

As such, if you’ve failed to answer it early on, a lot of other information might be overlooked or seen as a distraction.

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