16 Surefire Ways to Get Employed Quickly


16 Surefire Ways to Get Employed Quickly

Target Your Resume to the Job, Too

Photo by sutadimages – Shutterstock.com

Now that you’ve written the perfect cover letter, make sure that the rest of your resume is targeted as well. This is especially important so that it doesn’t hit any bumps in the road if it passes through an applicant tracking system, used by companies to screen resumes.

Furthermore, recruiters are looking for skills in areas that make sense for the position you want to fill. If you’re interested in working in a big corporate office you certainly won’t charm them with your brief experience as a dog sitter. See? Make sure all the puzzle pieces fit together.

If you feel like a certain job has taught you valuable skills, include them in your resume. If you make it to the interview and they ask about those skills you can bring up past working experiences that were otherwise irrelevant.

If you avoid bombarding them with too much information from the start, you’re going to lose them along the way! Furthermore, if you put every single working experience on your resume you might be considered too experienced for a lot of job openings, further slashing your chances of landing a position.

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