21 Jobs With the Highest Divorce Rates


21 Jobs With the Highest Divorce Rates

Photo by sigiuz – Shutterstock.com

6. Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers

It’s not just the financial strain that could explain why those in the food industry get divorced so often, at a 15% rate. When the median annual pay is $20,180 it could be difficult to overlook some of the other issues that come with the job such as rude and unhappy customers, bad tippers, and spending hours on your feet.

No matter what everyone thinks, any waitress or waiter could tell you that this is a very demanding job both physically and mentally. Oftentimes these stressors could find their way home, leading to broken marriages.

This next job might have a toxic effect on your marriage…..

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5 thoughts on “21 Jobs With the Highest Divorce Rates”

  1. Many people don’t think through the challenges marriage takes, trust, financial, children, relationships, relatives, sexual, etc.

  2. I was surprised that Auto Sales Management and Sales people were not on the list. The hours are rediculous and unpredictable.

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