12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid


12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid

Photo by julie deshaies – Shutterstock.com

Seasoned Kale Chips

Are you a fan of kale? If yes, you might be interested in the grocer’s $3.99 Seasoned Kale Chips. Reviewers don’t have much to say about this product in terms of taste.

The real crime here is the price. Sorry but nearly $4 for a 2-ounce package of the stuff is not worth it no matter which way you look at it. In fact, we’d go as far as to call it downright criminal. 

Keep browsing the snack aisle, you’re bound to find something twice as tasty at half the price! You can even find healthier snacks for much cheaper than that.

This next one might seem healthy, but nope…..

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3 thoughts on “12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid”

  1. Marilyn J Marczynski

    Good to know on all counts. I know it really irks me when I see something that looks to delicious, you buy it, get it home and OMG what happened, False advertising for sure. Nice to know someone out their is watching out for us. Thanks

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