12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid


12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid

Photo by Chan2545 – Shutterstock.com

Chipotle Vegetable Quesadillas

Trader Joe’s Chipotle Vegetable Quesadillas aren’t anything to write home about. They taste alright, which isn’t a fantastic endorsement, but at least most reviewers can agree on that.

The crime here is the price. For $3.69 you’d expect a lot better. The two quesadillas are laughable in terms of size, you could probably finish them up in just a few bites which will probably still leave you hungry.

Considering that you can whip up your own at home for just 50 cents, we’d recommend you skip this item! Instead of picking these up, get all the ingredients for a homemade quesadilla from Trader Joe’s instead.

You’ll want to wipe this next one off your shopping list…..

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3 thoughts on “12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid”

  1. Marilyn J Marczynski

    Good to know on all counts. I know it really irks me when I see something that looks to delicious, you buy it, get it home and OMG what happened, False advertising for sure. Nice to know someone out their is watching out for us. Thanks

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