12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid


12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid

Photo by Vladislav Noseek – Shutterstock.com

Cheese-Less ‘Cheesecakes’

The Cheese-Less ‘Cheesecakes’ sounds like a good alternative for vegans who want to enjoy a timeless dessert. For just $3.99 at Trader Joe’s, this might sound like a steal.

Here’s the catch, whoever decided to slap the ‘cheesecake’ label on this has probably never tasted a cheesecake in their lives. There’s nothing rich and creamy about this product, so we couldn’t call it a decent substitute.

We respect vegan diets here on our little corner of the internet. And we know that vegan diets are supposed to be delicious, filling and enjoyable. That’s why we can’t endorse this product at all!

You’ll not want to dip into your wallet for this next one…..

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3 thoughts on “12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid”

  1. Marilyn J Marczynski

    Good to know on all counts. I know it really irks me when I see something that looks to delicious, you buy it, get it home and OMG what happened, False advertising for sure. Nice to know someone out their is watching out for us. Thanks

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