12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid


12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid

Photo by AS Food studio – Shutterstock.com

Honey Walnut Shrimp

On paper, TJ’s Honey Walnut Shrimp should be the item you’ll keep coming back for more.

In reality, it’s a disappointing dish that has left many people leaving scathing reviews after just one bite. They’re not addictively sweet, the sauce tastes rather toxic and it’s far from filling. We won’t quote other reviews we’ve seen because we’re fairly certain you might lose your appetite- let’s just say people generally had nothing nice to say about this product.

With a $6.99 price tag, we think you should spend your money elsewhere. Thank you, but actually, no thank you! Next!

Size really does matter, next…..

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3 thoughts on “12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid”

  1. Marilyn J Marczynski

    Good to know on all counts. I know it really irks me when I see something that looks to delicious, you buy it, get it home and OMG what happened, False advertising for sure. Nice to know someone out their is watching out for us. Thanks

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