12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid


12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid

Photo by allstars – Shutterstock.com

Queso Cheese Dip

TJ’s $2.49 Queso Cheese Dip has been getting scathing reviews from consumers all over the internet. It’s been compared to vomit by some people, and that should be enough to keep you away from it.

But, alas, if that sounds like an over-exaggeration, we’ll indulge you with more info. This nasty concoction has an unbearably strong lime taste, it’s too runny, and it’s frankly unworthy of any tortilla chip.

There’s nothing worse than finally indulging in some tortilla chips than having that experience irrevocably ruined by this cheese dip.

We’ll pass!

Don’t be left feeling like a jerk(y) with this next one…..

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3 thoughts on “12 Products From Trader Joe’s That You Should Avoid”

  1. Marilyn J Marczynski

    Good to know on all counts. I know it really irks me when I see something that looks to delicious, you buy it, get it home and OMG what happened, False advertising for sure. Nice to know someone out their is watching out for us. Thanks

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